News from Functional Anatomy & Evolution
Read our latest announcements about department updates, honors and publications.
Publication Alert: Dr Cooke shares insights on terror birds
A Titanis walleri reconstruction on display at the Florida Museum of Natural History. Terror bird fossils have been discovered in South America’s southern cone, and in Florida and Texas. But until now, they were unknown from regions in between. Credit: Millard H....
Upcoming Event – Oct 23rd at 12 PM
Do you think he saur-us? Dinos and sensory ability
Dr Balanoff discusses dinosaurs and sensory processing
FAE Seminar Series: Dr. Chris Krupenye!
Event Date & Time : Wednesday, April 17th at 4 PMPresentation: "The Social Minds of Humans and Other Apes"Location: 1830 Building (1830 E. Monument St), 2nd Floor Auditorium (Rm. 2-108) Join us for a fascinating talk regarding the evolution of humans and primates!...
NSF-funded Digital Paleontology Internship for Undergraduate Students
As part of a collaborative NSF-funded collaborative research grant, Dr. Siobhan Cooke is recruiting two undergraduate students to conduct research in her lab during May and June of 2024. The project focuses on niche-differentiation and extinction of the endemic...
Congrats to EJ Huang & Jake Wilson on their recent publication!
Bever Lab PhD students EJ Huang and Jake Wilson just published a detailed analysis of body mass and its method of estimation among small mammals, with important implications for the Mesozoic fossil record! Way to go EJ and Jake!
Publication alert for PhD candidates Fernando Torres & EJ Huang!
PhD students Fernando Torres and EJ Huang published a new study of Pleistocene fossils from Ecuador that advances our understanding of the famous giant tortoises of the Galapagos Islands. See also a note on this article...
FAE is proud to present: Dr. Aneila Hogan!
We would like to offer our congratulations to Aneila who successfully defended her dissertation this week. Aneila's thesis is titled "Development and Evolution in the Olfactory System of Birds" and was completed as part of an NSF-funded project in the Bever Lab. We...
Inaugural FAE Day
On Thursday, December 14th, 2023, the center faculty, graduate students, and postdocs gathered for the first-annual FAE Day! Members of the FAE presented their current research and recent work performed prior to joining the center.