PhD Graduate Students

PhD Graduate Student
Kailie Batsche
- MS in Human Paleobiology, Center for the Study of Human Paleobiology (CASHP), The George Washington University, 2021
- BA in Anthropology, Peace College, 2014
Research Focuses
- Bone microstructure
- Collagen fiber orientation (CFO)
- Locomotor behavior in human and non-human primates
- Primate life history and bone microscopy
- Fossil hominins

PhD Graduate Student
- B.S. Cellular & Molecular Biology, University of Maine, 2024
Research Focuses
- Paleobiology
- Development & evolution in vertebrates
- Integrative approaches to organismal systems
Advisor: Dr. Amy Balanoff

PhD Graduate Student
Savannah Cobb
- B.S. Geology, College of Charleston, 2016
- MRes Palaeontology, University of Manchester, 2019
About Savannah
ResearchGate Profile
Cobb, S.E. and Sellers, W.I., 2020. Inferring lifestyle for Aves and Theropoda: A model based on curvatures of extant avian ungual bones. Plos one, 15(2), e0211173.
- Ecological and functional morphology
- Paleogene tetrapods
- Analyzing incomplete fossil remains
Advisor: Dr. Siobhán Cooke

PhD Graduate Student
- BSc Geology, University of Hull, UK
- MScR Palaeontology with Geobiology, University of Edinburgh, UK
About William
Foster, W., Gensbigler, P., Wilson, J.D., Smith, R.M., Lyson, T.R. and Bever, G.S., 2024. Cranial anatomy of the Triassic rhynchosaur Mesosuchus browni based on computed tomography, with a discussion of the vomeronasal system and its deep history in Reptilia. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 201(4).
Jenkins, K.M., Foster, W., Napoli, J.G., Meyer, D.L., Bever, G.S. and Bhullar, B.A.S., 2024. Cranial anatomy and phylogenetic affinities of Bolosaurus major, with new information on the unique bolosaurid feeding apparatus and evolution of the impedance‐matching ear. The Anatomical Record, Early View.
J. 2022. The cranial anatomy of the long-snouted tyrannosaurid dinosaur Qianzhousaurus sinensis from the Upper Cretaceous of China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2021.1999251
Research Focuses
- Evolutionary origins of the turtle body plan
- Evolutionary development of the amniote thorax
- Reptile paleontology, development, and phylogeny
Advisor: Dr. Gabriel S. Bever

PhD Graduate Student
- B.S. Human Evolutionary Biology & Anthropology, Stony Brook University, 2024
Research Focuses
- Primate evolution
- Dental morphometrics
- Functional convergence
- Phenotypic diversity
Advisor: Dr. Siobhán Cooke

PhD Graduate Student
- MSc Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Western Ontario
- B.A. Art History and Criticism, University of Western Ontario
Research Focuses
- Craniofacial Biomechanics and Morphology
- Phenotypic Variation and Variability
Advisor: Dr. Matthew Ravosa

PhD Graduate Student
Stephanie M. Palmer
- B.A. Anthropology, University of Central Florida, 2020
Research Focuses
- Carnivoran and aquatic tetrapod paleoecology and paleobiology
- Mammalian evolution
- Feeding ecology
Advisor: Dr. Siobhán Cooke

PhD Graduate Student
- B.S. Geology, Missouri University of Science & Technology, 2023
- M.S. Geology, Missouri University of Science & Technology, 2024
Research Focuses
- Anatomical, ontogenetic, and evolutionary variation in the vertebrate skull
- Paleoneurology
- Avian flight
Advisor: Dr. Amy Balanoff

PhD Graduate Student
Bianca Neale
- B.S. Geology, University of Cincinnati

PhD Graduate Student
- MSClEn, University of Bristol, Bristol, England, UK
- Phylogenetics and Phylogenomics
- Evolutionary process and trends
- Testudines evolution and diversification
- Avian evolution
- Biomechanics and Morphometrics
Advisor: Dr. Gabriel S. Bever

PhD Graduate Student
C. Kinley Russell
- M.A. Anthropology (Human Skeletal Biology), New York University, 2015
- Advanced Certificate, Museum Studies, New York University, 2015
- A.B. Anthropology (Biological Anthropology), Harvard University, 2008
About Kinley
Grants and Awards
2008 New York University Tuition Scholarship, Department of Anthropology
C.K. Russell. Size-Related and Demographic Effects on the Morphology of the Lateral Meniscal Notch of the Proximal Tibia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Manuscript in Preparation]
C.K. Russell. 2016. Size-related and Demographic Effects on the Morphology of the Lateral Meniscal Notch of the Proximal Tibia. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 159(S62):276 (poster presentation).
- Postcranial Functional Anatomy
- Hominin Evolution
- Bipedalism and Locomotor Kinematics
- Intraspecific Variation
- Knee Morphology
- Science Education
Advisor: Dr. Adam Sylvester
Alumni of the PhD Program
Sorted Chronologically
Dr. K. Christopher Beard
- Foundation Distinguished Professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, and Senior Curator in the Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
- Ph.D., 1989 - Postcranial anatomy, locomotor adaptations, and paleoecology of early Cenozoic Plesiadapidae, Paromomyidae, and Micromomyidae (Eutheria, Dermoptera)
- MacArthur Fellow, 2000
- E-mail: chris.beard(at)
- Homepage:
Dr. Audrone R. Biknevicius
- Associate Professor Emerita, Department of Biomedical Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Ohio University, Athens, OH
- Ph.D., 1990 - Biomechanical scaling of the mandibular corpus in carnivores
- E-mail: biknevic(at)
Dr. Carol V. Ward
- Curator's Distinguished Professor and Director of Anatomical Sciences, Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia, MO
- Ph.D., 1991 - Functional anatomy of the lower back and pelvis of the Miocene hominoid Proconsul nyanzae from Mfangano Island, Kenya
- E-mail: WardCV(at)
- Homepage:
Dr. Hannah Grausz
- Associate Director, MetroHealth/Cleveland Clinic Foundation Emergency Medicine Residency and Associate Staff Physician, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH
- Ph.D., 1992 - Growth of the human perinatal craniofacial skeleton characterized in three dimensions
- M.D., 1996
- E-mail: grauszh(at)
Dr. Lawrence M. Witmer
- Professor of Anatomy, Chang Ying-Chien Professor of Paleontology, Department of Biomedical Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Ohio University, Athens, OH
- Ph.D., 1992 - Ontogeny, phylogeny, and air sacs: The importance of soft-tissue inferences in the interpretation of facial evolution in Archosauria
- E-mail: witmer1(at)
- Homepage:
Dr. Jacqueline Runestad-Connour
- Associate Professor, Department of Biology, University of Findlay, Findlay, OH
- Ph.D., 1994 - Humeral and femoral diaphyseal cross-sectional geometry and articular dimensions in Prosimii and Platyrrhini (Primates) with application for reconstruction of body mass and locomotor behavior in Adapidae (Primates: Eocene)
- E-mail: jackie_runestad(at)
Dr. Ronald E. Heinrich
- Most recent academic address: Instructor, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
- Ph.D., 1996 - Functional morphology and body size of Early Tertiary Miacoidea (Mammalia, Carnivora)
- E-mail: reheinrich(at)
Dr. Maureen A. O'Leary
- Professor, Department of Anatomical Sciences, Stony Brook University Renaissance School of Medicine, Stony Brook, NY
- Ph.D., 1996 - Dental evolution in the Early Eocene Notharctinae (Primates, Adapiformes) from the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming: documentation of gradual evolution in the oldest true primates
- E-mail: moleary(at)
- Homepage:
Dr. Katherine L. Rafferty
- Senior Lecturer, Department of Orthodontics, University of Washington School of Dentistry, Seattle, WA
- Ph.D., 1996 - Joint design in primates: external and subarticular properties in relation to body size and locomotor behavior
- E-mail: kraff(at)
Dr. Katherine Coffing
- Most recent academic address: Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA
- Ph.D., 1998 - The metacarpals of Australopithecus afarensis: locomotor and behavioral implications of cross-sectional geometry
- E-mail: kcoffing(at)
Dr. Naoko Egi
- Assistant Professor of Phylogeny and Systematics Section, Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
- Ph.D., 1999 - Functional morphology of the limb bones in recent carnivores and its application to North American Hyaenodontid Creodonta
- E-mail: egi(at)
- Homepage: [English]
Dr. Mason Meers
- Professor, Department of Biology, University of Tampa, Tampa, FL
- Ph.D., 2000 - Evolution of the crocodylian forelimb: anatomy, biomechanics and functional morphology
- E-mail: mmeers(at)
Dr. Gail E. Krovitz
- Adjunct Instructor, Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Denver, CO
- Ph.D., 2001 - Three-dimensional comparisons of craniofacial morphology and growth patterns in Neandertals and modern humans
- E-mail: gail.krovitz(at)
Dr. Mary T. Silcox
- Professor, Department of Anthropology, Vice Dean of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto, Scarbrough, Ontario, Canada
- Ph.D., 2001 - A phylogenetic analysis of the Plesiadapiformes and their relationship to Euprimates and other Archontans
- E-mail: msilcox(at)
Dr. Brenda J. Chinnery
- Most recent academic address: Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
- Ph.D., 2002 - Morphometric analysis of evolution and growth in the Ceratopsian postcranial skeleton
- E-mail: brendachinnery(at)
Dr. Yizheng Li
- Principal Scientist, Wyeth Research, Cambridge, MA
- Ph.D., 2002 - Postnatal development of pelvic sexual dimorphism in four anthropoid primates
- E-mail: yli(at)
Dr. Kristina Aldridge
- Associate Professor, Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia, MO
- Ph.D., 2003 - Organization of the human brain: development, variability, and evolution
- E-mail: aldridgek(at)
Dr. Anita Hettena
- Biology Co-Chair and Assistant Professor of Biology, San Diego City College, San Diego, CA
- Ph.D., 2003 - A three-dimensional analysis of age-related change in the adult craniofacial skeleton
- E-mail: anitahettena(at)
Dr. Valerie Burke DeLeon
- Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Florida. Adjunct Associate Professor, Center for Functional Anatomy and Evolution, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
- Ph.D., 2004 - Fluctuating asymmetry in the human craniofacial skeleton: effects of sexual dimorphism, stress, and developmental anomalies
- E-mail: vdeleon(at)
Dr. François Therrien
- Curator of Dinosaur Palaeoecology, Royal Tyrrell Museum and Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Geoscience, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
- Ph.D., 2004 - Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) dinosaur-bearing formations of Romania
- E-mail: Francois.Therrien(at)
Dr. Jason C. Mussell
- Associate Professor, Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA.
- Ph.D., 2004 - A reexamination of Lipotyphla and Afrotheria using both molecular and morphological analyses
- E-mail: jmusse(at)
Dr. Ann C. Zumwalt
- Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA
- Ph.D., 2004 - The effect of endurance exercise on the morphology of muscle attachment sites: An experimental study in sheep (Ovis aries)
- E-mail: azumwalt(at)
Dr. Amy E. Chew
- Senior Lecturer, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Brown University Alpert School of Medicine, Providence, RI
- Ph.D., 2005 - Biostratigraphy, paleoecology and synchronized evolution in the Early Eocene mammalian fauna of the Central Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
- Email: amy_chew(at)
Dr. Benjamin M. Auerbach
- Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
- Ph.D., 2007 - Skeletal variation in the New World during the Holocene: effects of climate and subsistence across geography and time
- E-mail: auerbach(at)
Dr. Jason M. Organ
- Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology and Physiology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
- Ph.D., 2007 - The functional anatomy of prehensile and nonprehensile tails of the Platyrrhini (Primates) and Procyonidae (Carnivora)
- E-mail: jorgan(at)
Dr. Matthew O'Neill
- Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Midwestern University, Glendale, AZ
- Ph.D., 2008 - The structural basis of locomotor cost: gait, mechanics and limb design in ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta)
- E-mail: mneill(at)
Dr. Shawn P. Zack
- Assistant Professor of Anatomy, Department of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Phoenix, AZ
- Ph.D., 2009 - The phylogeny of eutherian mammals: a new analysis emphasizing dental and postcranial morphology of Paleogene taxa
- E-mail: spzack(at)
Dr. Tonya A. Penkrot
- Assistant Teaching Professor in Anatomy and Physiology, Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ
- Ph.D., 2010 - Molar morphometrics and diet in North American condylarths
- E-mail: tapenkrot(at)
Dr. Kirsten Brown
- Distinguished Teaching Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, George Washington University School of Medicine, Washington, DC
- Ph.D., 2011 - Obstetrical adaptation in the human bony pelvis: a three-dimensional morphometric approach
- E-mail: brown.kirsten(at)
Dr. Madeleine B. Chollet
- Physician, Palo Alto Foundation Medical Group, Dublian, CA
- Ph.D., 2011 - The brain morphology of children with cleft lip and/or palate
- E-mail: cholletm(at)
Dr. Michael Habib
- Assistant Professor of Cell and Neurobiology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
- Ph.D., 2011 - Structural analysis of locomotor loads and launch mechanics in pterosaurs and birds
- E-mail: mhabib(at)
Dr. Frank J. Varriale
- Associate Professor, Department of Biology, King's College, Wilkes-Barre, PA
- Ph.D., 2011 - Dental microwear and the evolution of mastication in ceratopsian dinosaurs
- Email: frankvarriale(at)
Dr. Heather M. Garvin
- Professor of Anatomy, Des Moines University, Des Moines, IA
- Ph.D., 2012 - The effects of living conditions on human cranial and postcranial sexual dimorphism
- E-mail: Heather.Garvin-Elling(at)
Dr. François D. H. Gould
- Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience, Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine, Glassboro, NJ
- Ph.D., 2012 - The morphology of the distal femoral articular surface and the evolution of cursoriality in ungulates
- E-mail: gould(at)
Dr. Evan M. Garofalo
- Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Phoenix, AZ
- Ph.D., 2012 - Environmental and genetic effects on growth of the human skeleton - a bioarchaeological investigation
- E-mail: emgarofalo(at)
Dr. Ali Nabavizadeh
- Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
- Ph.D., 2014 - Diversity, functional morphology, and evolution of jaw mechanisms in ornithischian dinosaurs
- E-mail: alina(at)
Dr. Georgina M Voegele
- Anatomy Lab Manager, Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
- Ph.D., 2014 - Forelimb myology and the evolutionary relationships of the aardvark, Orycteropus afer, and other small afrotheres.
- E-mail: georgina(at)
Dr. Katrina E. Jones
- Presidential Fellow, Interdisciplinary Centre for Ancient Life, University of Manchester, UK
- Ph.D., 2014 - Allometry of the thoracolumbar region in running mammals
- E-mail: katrina.jones30(at)
- Homepage:
Dr. Megan A. Holmes
- Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, Duke University Medical Center
- Ph.D., 2015 - Developmental and functional influences on covariance in the mandible
- E-mail: megan.holmes(at)
Dr. Nicole S. Squyres
- Assistant Teaching Professor, Departments of Biology and Anthropology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
- Ph.D., 2016 - Shape variation in the distal femur of modern humans and fossil hominins
- E-mail: nss28(at)
Dr. Heather E. Ahrens
- Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, High Point University, High Point, NC
- Ph.D., 2017 - Phylogeny and locomotor ecomorphology of Oxyaenidae and macroevolutionary patterns in North American “Creodonta” (Mammalia, Placentalia)
- E-mail: hahrens(at)
Dr. M. Loring Burgess
- Associate Osteologist, Peabody Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
- Ph.D., 2018 - Ontogenetic changes in limb bone structural properties and locomotor behavior in Pan
- Emai: mburgess(at)
Dr. Ellen E.I. Fricano
- Assistant Professor of Anatomy, Medical Anatomical Sciences, Western University College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, Pomona, CA
- Ph.D., 2018 - The primate ectotympanic tube: correlates of structure, function and development
- E-mail: efricano(at)
Dr. Kaya G. Zelazny
- Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, MN
- Ph.D., 2018 - Morphological variation in the distal humerus of extant hominids and fossil hominins
- E-mail: kzelazny(at)
- Homepage:
Dr. Heather L. Kristjanson
- Senior Research Associate, Institutional Research and Planning, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
- Ph.D., 2019 - Tupaiid masticatory anatomy and the application of extant analogs to reconstructing plesiadapiform jaw adductors
- E-mail: hkristja(at)
Ms. Rachel A. Frigot
- Lecturer in Anatomy, Department of Medicine, Keele University School of Medicine, Staffordshire, UK
- M.S., 2019 - Morphological variation in the avian pelvis
- E-mail: r.a.frigot(at)
Dr. Anthony M. Harper
- Assistant Professor of Anatomy, Lincoln Memorial University, Knoxville, TN
- Ph.D., 2019 - Craniodental adaptation and homoplasy in early mammals
- E-mail: anthrony.harper(at)
Dr. Kristen A. Prufrock
- Assistant Professor of Anatomy, Department of Neuroscience, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
- Ph.D., 2020 - Ontogeny of the masticatory system in strepsirrhines
- E-mail: kristenp(at)
Dr. Christine M. Harper
- Assistant Professor of Biomedical Sciences,
- Ph.D., 2020 - External morphological variation of extant and fossil hominid calcanei
- E-mail: harperc(at)
Dr. Deanna M. Goldstein
- Research Instructor, Department of Anatomical Sciences, Stony Brook University Renaissance School of Medicine, Stony Brook, NY
- Ph.D., 2022 - External and internal carpal morphology of knuckle-walking apes among mammals
- E-mail: deanna.goldstein(at)
Dr. Catherine J. Llera
- Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Anatomical Sciences, Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, CA
- Ph.D., 2023 - Age and additive genetic effects on cross-sectional morphology in primates
- E-mail: clleramartin(at)
Dr. Stephanie L. Canington
- Postdoc in the Laird Lab, Department of Basic and Translational Sciences, School of Dental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
- Ph.D., 2023 - The natural history and feeding ecologies of lemurs (lnfraorder Lemuriformes) in wild and human-maintained habitats
- E-mail: scaning(at)
Dr. Zana R. Sims
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Integrative Anatomical Sciences, USC Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA
- Ph.D., 2023 - Cervical Root Morphology and Diet in Extant Catarrhines: Implications for Dietary Reconstruction in Miocene Fossils
- E-mail: zsims(at)
Dr. Aneila V.C. Hogan
- Ph.D., 2024 - Development and evolution in the olfactory system of birds
- E-mail: ahogan7(at)
Dr. Yi-Chieh "EJ" Huang
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Functional Anatomy & Evolution, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
- Ph.D., 2024 - Studies of deep homology and phenotypic evolution under a phylogenetic framework
- E-mail: yhuan155(at)
Dr. Jacob Wilson
- NSF EAR Postdoctoral Fellow, Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Denver, CO
- Ph.D., 2024 - Freshwater fish and the K/Pg boundary: Integrative studies of morphology, evolution, and the origins of modern biodiversity
- E-mail: wilson.jacob.d(at)
Sorted Alphabetically
Dr. Heather E. Ahrens
- Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, High Point University, High Point, NC
- Ph.D., 2017 - Phylogeny and locomotor ecomorphology of Oxyaenidae and macroevolutionary patterns in North American “Creodonta” (Mammalia, Placentalia)
- E-mail: hahrens(at)
Dr. Kristina Aldridge
- Associate Professor, Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia, MO
- Ph.D., 2003 - Organization of the human brain: development, variability, and evolution
- E-mail: aldridgek(at)
Dr. Benjamin M. Auerbach
- Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
- Ph.D., 2007 - Skeletal variation in the New World during the Holocene: effects of climate and subsistence across geography and time
- E-mail: auerbach(at)
Dr. K. Christopher Beard
- Foundation Distinguished Professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, and Senior Curator in the Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
- Ph.D., 1989 - Postcranial anatomy, locomotor adaptations, and paleoecology of early Cenozoic Plesiadapidae, Paromomyidae, and Micromomyidae (Eutheria, Dermoptera)
- MacArthur Fellow, 2000
- E-mail: chris.beard(at)
- Homepage:
Dr. Audrone R. Biknevicius
- Associate Professor Emerita, Department of Biomedical Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Ohio University, Athens, OH
- Ph.D., 1990 - Biomechanical scaling of the mandibular corpus in carnivores
- E-mail: biknevic(at)
Dr. Kirsten Brown
- Distinguished Teaching Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, George Washington University School of Medicine, Washington, DC
- Ph.D., 2011 - Obstetrical adaptation in the human bony pelvis: a three-dimensional morphometric approach
- E-mail: brown.kirsten(at)
Dr. M. Loring Burgess
- Associate Osteologist, Peabody Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
- Ph.D., 2018 - Ontogenetic changes in limb bone structural properties and locomotor behavior in Pan
- Email: mburgess(at)
Dr. Stephanie L. Canington
- Postdoc in the Laird Lab, Department of Basic and Translational Sciences, School of Dental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
- Ph.D., 2023 - The natural history and feeding ecologies of lemurs (lnfraorder Lemuriformes) in wild and human-maintained habitats
- E-mail: scaning(at)
Dr. Amy E. Chew
- Senior Lecturer, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Brown University Alpert School of Medicine, Providence, RI
- Ph.D., 2005 - Biostratigraphy, paleoecology and synchronized evolution in the Early Eocene mammalian fauna of the Central Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
- Email: amy_chew(at)
Dr. Brenda J. Chinnery
- Most recent academic address: Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
- Ph.D., 2002 - Morphometric analysis of evolution and growth in the Ceratopsian postcranial skeleton
- E-mail: brendachinnery(at)
Dr. Madeleine B. Chollet
- Physician, Palo Alto Foundation Medical Group, Dublian, CA
- Ph.D., 2011 - The brain morphology of children with cleft lip and/or palate
- E-mail: cholletm(at)
Dr. Katherine Coffing
- Most recent academic address: Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA
- Ph.D., 1998 - The metacarpals of Australopithecus afarensis: locomotor and behavioral implications of cross-sectional geometry
- E-mail: kcoffing(at)
Dr. Valerie Burke DeLeon
- Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Florida. Adjunct Associate Professor, Center for Functional Anatomy and Evolution, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
- Ph.D., 2004 - Fluctuating asymmetry in the human craniofacial skeleton: effects of sexual dimorphism, stress, and developmental anomalies
- E-mail: vdeleon(at)
Dr. Naoko Egi
- Assistant Professor of Phylogeny and Systematics Section, Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
- Ph.D., 1999 - Functional morphology of the limb bones in recent carnivores and its application to North American Hyaenodontid Creodonta
- E-mail: egi(at)
- Homepage: [English]
Dr. Ellen E.I. Fricano
- Assistant Professor of Anatomy, Medical Anatomical Sciences, Western University College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, Pomona, CA
- Ph.D., 2018 - The primate ectotympanic tube: correlates of structure, function and development
- E-mail:
Ms. Rachel A. Frigot
- Lecturer in Anatomy, Department of Medicine, Keele University School of Medicine, Staffordshire, UK
- M.S., 2019 - Morphological variation in the avian pelvis
- E-mail: r.a.frigot(at)
Dr. Evan M. Garofalo
- Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Phoenix, AZ
- Ph.D., 2012 - Environmental and genetic effects on growth of the human skeleton - a bioarchaeological investigation
- E-mail: emgarofalo(at)
Dr. Heather M. Garvin
- Professor of Anatomy, Des Moines University, Des Moines, IA
- Ph.D., 2012 - The effects of living conditions on human cranial and postcranial sexual dimorphism
- E-mail: Heather.Garvin-Elling(at)
Dr. Deanna M. Goldstein
- Research Instructor, Department of Anatomical Sciences, Stony Brook University Renaissance School of Medicine, Stony Brook, NY
- Ph.D., 2022 - External and internal carpal morphology of knuckle-walking apes among mammals
- E-mail:
Dr. François D. H. Gould
- Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience, Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine, Glassboro, NJ
- Ph.D., 2012 - The morphology of the distal femoral articular surface and the evolution of cursoriality in ungulates
- E-mail: gould(at)
Dr. Hannah Grausz
- Associate Director, MetroHealth/Cleveland Clinic Foundation Emergency Medicine Residency and Associate Staff Physician, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH
- Ph.D., 1992 - Growth of the human perinatal craniofacial skeleton characterized in three dimensions
- M.D., 1996
- E-mail: grauszh(at)
Dr. Michael Habib
- Assistant Professor of Cell and Neurobiology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
- Ph.D., 2011 - Structural analysis of locomotor loads and launch mechanics in pterosaurs and birds
- E-mail: mhabib(at)
Dr. Anthony M. Harper
- Assistant Professor of Anatomy, Lincoln Memorial University, Knoxville, TN
- Ph.D., 2019 - Craniodental adaptation and homoplasy in early mammals
- E-mail: anthrony.harper(at)
Dr. Christine M. Harper
- Assistant Professor of Biomedical Sciences,
- Ph.D., 2020 - External morphological variation of extant and fossil hominid calcanei
- E-mail: harperc(at)
Dr. Anita Hettena
- Biology Co-Chair and Assistant Professor of Biology, San Diego City College, San Diego, CA
- Ph.D., 2003 - A three-dimensional analysis of age-related change in the adult craniofacial skeleton
- E-mail: anitahettena(at)
Dr. Ronald E. Heinrich
- Most recent academic address: Instructor, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
- Ph.D., 1996 - Functional morphology and body size of Early Tertiary Miacoidea (Mammalia, Carnivora)
- E-mail: reheinrich(at)
Dr. Aneila V.C. Hogan
- Ph.D., 2024 - Development and evolution in the olfactory system of birds
- E-mail: ahogan7(at)
Dr. Megan A. Holmes
- Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, Duke University Medical Center
- Ph.D., 2015 - Developmental and functional influences on covariance in the mandible
- E-mail: megan.holmes(at)
Dr. Yi-Chieh "EJ" Huang
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Functional Anatomy & Evolution, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
- Ph.D., 2024 - Studies of deep homology and phenotypic evolution under a phylogenetic framework
- E-mail: yhuan155(at)
Dr. Katrina E. Jones
- Presidential Fellow, Interdisciplinary Centre for Ancient Life, University of Manchester, UK
- Ph.D., 2014 - Allometry of the thoracolumbar region in running mammals
- E-mail: katrina.jones30(at)
- Homepage:
Dr. Heather L. Kristjanson
- Senior Research Associate, Institutional Research and Planning, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
- Ph.D., 2019 - Tupaiid masticatory anatomy and the application of extant analogs to reconstructing plesiadapiform jaw adductors
- E-mail: hkristja(at)
Dr. Gail E. Krovitz
- Adjunct Instructor, Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Denver, CO
- Ph.D., 2001 - Three-dimensional comparisons of craniofacial morphology and growth patterns in Neandertals and modern humans
- E-mail: gail.krovitz(at)
Dr. Yizheng Li
- Principal Scientist, Wyeth Research, Cambridge, MA
- Ph.D., 2002 - Postnatal development of pelvic sexual dimorphism in four anthropoid primates
- E-mail: yli(at)
Dr. Catherine J. Llera
- Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Anatomical Sciences, Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, CA
- Ph.D., 2023 - Age and additive genetic effects on cross-sectional morphology in primates
- E-mail: clleramartin(at)
Dr. Mason Meers
- Professor, Department of Biology, University of Tampa, Tampa, FL
- Ph.D., 2000 - Evolution of the crocodylian forelimb: anatomy, biomechanics and functional morphology
- E-mail: mmeers(at)
Dr. Jason C. Mussell
- Associate Professor, Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA.
- Ph.D., 2004 - A reexamination of Lipotyphla and Afrotheria using both molecular and morphological analyses
- E-mail: jmusse(at)
Dr. Ali Nabavizadeh
- Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
- Ph.D., 2014 - Diversity, functional morphology, and evolution of jaw mechanisms in ornithischian dinosaurs
- E-mail: alina(at)
Dr. Maureen A. O'Leary
- Professor, Department of Anatomical Sciences, Stony Brook University Renaissance School of Medicine, Stony Brook, NY
- Ph.D., 1996 - Dental evolution in the Early Eocene Notharctinae (Primates, Adapiformes) from the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming: documentation of gradual evolution in the oldest true primates
- E-mail: moleary(at)
Dr. Matthew O'Neill
- Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Midwestern University, Glendale, AZ
- Ph.D., 2008 - The structural basis of locomotor cost: gait, mechanics and limb design in ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta)
- E-mail: mneill(at)
Dr. Jason M. Organ
- Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology and Physiology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
- Ph.D., 2007 - The functional anatomy of prehensile and nonprehensile tails of the Platyrrhini (Primates) and Procyonidae (Carnivora)
- E-mail: jorgan(at)
Dr. Tonya A. Penkrot
- Assistant Teaching Professor in Anatomy and Physiology, Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ
- Ph.D., 2010 - Molar morphometrics and diet in North American condylarths
- E-mail: tapenkrot(at)
Dr. Kristen A. Prufrock
- Assistant Professor of Anatomy, Department of Neuroscience, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
- Ph.D., 2020 - Ontogeny of the masticatory system in strepsirrhines
- E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Katherine L. Rafferty
- Senior Lecturer, Department of Orthodontics, University of Washington School of Dentistry, Seattle, WA
- Ph.D., 1996 - Joint design in primates: external and subarticular properties in relation to body size and locomotor behavior
- E-mail: kraff(at)
Dr. Jacqueline Runestad-Connour
- Associate Professor, Department of Biology, University of Findlay, Findlay, OH
- Ph.D., 1994 - Humeral and femoral diaphyseal cross-sectional geometry and articular dimensions in Prosimii and Platyrrhini (Primates) with application for reconstruction of body mass and locomotor behavior in Adapidae (Primates: Eocene)
- E-mail: jackie_runestad(at)
Dr. Mary T. Silcox
- Professor, Department of Anthropology, Vice Dean of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto, Scarbrough, Ontario, Canada
- Ph.D., 2001 - A phylogenetic analysis of the Plesiadapiformes and their relationship to Euprimates and other Archontans
- E-mail: msilcox(at)
Dr. Zana R. Sims
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Integrative Anatomical Sciences, USC Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA
- Ph.D., 2023 - Cervical Root Morphology and Diet in Extant Catarrhines: Implications for Dietary Reconstruction in Miocene Fossils
- 2018 William and Mary Drescher Endowment Fund for Graduate Medical Research Award
- E-mail: zsims(at)
Dr. Nicole S. Squyres
- Assistant Teaching Professor, Departments of Biology and Anthropology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
- Ph.D., 2016 - Shape variation in the distal femur of modern humans and fossil hominins
- E-mail: nss28(at)
Dr. François Therrien
- Curator of Dinosaur Palaeoecology, Royal Tyrrell Museum and Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Geoscience, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
- Ph.D., 2004 - Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) dinosaur-bearing formations of Romania
- E-mail: Francois.Therrien(at)
Dr. Frank J. Varriale
- Associate Professor, Department of Biology, King's College, Wilkes-Barre, PA
- Ph.D., 2011 - Dental microwear and the evolution of mastication in ceratopsian dinosaurs
- Email: frankvarriale(at)
Dr. Georgina M. Voegele
- Anatomy Lab Manager, Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
- Ph.D., 2014 - Forelimb myology and the evolutionary relationships of the aardvark, Orycteropus afer, and other small afrotheres.
- E-mail: georgina(at)
Dr. Carol V. Ward
- Curator's Distinguished Professor and Director of Anatomical Sciences, Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia, MO
- Ph.D., 1991 - Functional anatomy of the lower back and pelvis of the Miocene hominoid Proconsul nyanzae from Mfangano Island, Kenya
- E-mail: WardCV(at)
- Homepage:
Dr. Jacob Wilson
- NSF EAR Postdoctoral Fellow, Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Denver, CO
- Ph.D., 2024 - Freshwater fish and the K/Pg boundary: Integrative studies of morphology, evolution, and the origins of modern biodiversity
- E-mail: wilson.jacob.d(at)
Dr. Lawrence M. Witmer
- Professor of Anatomy, Chang Ying-Chien Professor of Paleontology, Department of Biomedical Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Ohio University, Athens, OH
- Ph.D., 1992 - Ontogeny, phylogeny, and air sacs: The importance of soft-tissue inferences in the interpretation of facial evolution in Archosauria
- E-mail: witmer1(at)
- Homepage:
Dr. Shawn P. Zack
- Assistant Professor of Anatomy, Department of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Phoenix, AZ
- Ph.D., 2009 - The phylogeny of eutherian mammals: a new analysis emphasizing dental and postcranial morphology of Paleogene taxa
- E-mail: spzack(at)
Dr. Kaya G. Zelazny
- Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, MN
- Ph.D., 2018 - Morphological variation in the distal humerus of extant hominids and fossil hominins
- E-mail: kzelazny(at)
- Homepage:
Dr. Ann C. Zumwalt
- Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA
- Ph.D., 2004 - The effect of endurance exercise on the morphology of muscle attachment sites: An experimental study in sheep (Ovis aries)
- E-mail: azumwalt(at)
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