Ph.D. Graduate Program
…a 5-year program focused on independent research ranging from vertebrate fossils, to primates to recent human remains and teaching human gross anatomy.
Masters Graduate Program
…a one-year full-time program providing intensive immersion in human anatomy through both classroom instruction and dissection laboratories, including small group interactions with our faculty.
Jake Wilson awarded an NSF EAR Postdoctoral Fellowship!
The FAE Center is proud to announce that Jake Wilson was recently awarded an NSF EAR postdoctoral fellowship! Jake will be working with Tyler Lyson...

PhD Program in Functional Anatomy and Evolution
The FAE graduate program offers a Ph.D. in Functional Anatomy and Evolution and provides individualized support by world-leading professors for each student in a close-knit department with an excellent faculty to student ratio. Our primary focuses are independent research and teaching human gross anatomy, with research areas covered by faculty and students that range from vertebrate fossils, to primates to recent human remains.
As a result of the interdisciplinary training of the FAE graduate program, our graduates are well equipped to face the challenge of today’s academic job market. For more information on requirements for entry to the program, see our requirements for admission. See links at the bottom of the page for further information about the program.
Master of Science in
Anatomy Education
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Master of Science in Anatomy Education is a one-year program that provides specialized training in clinically based anatomy (and related basic science disciplines) while enhancing communication skills through exposure to advanced educational theory and methods. The curriculum supports a variety of post-graduation career interests that include (but are not limited to): admission to one of the many professional schools in the medical/health sciences (e.g., medical, nursing, and physical therapy schools), admission to a Ph.D. program in biology/biomedicine, and teaching positions in Higher Education.
Recent News
Huge congrats to MSAE ’22 student Song Park for her new position!
Join us in congratulating Song Park (2022 Master's of Science in Anatomy Education student) who has accepted an anatomy instructor position at Cleveland University Kansas City! She will be anatomy faculty at the chiropractic college division, teaching head and neck...
Congratulations to Catherine J. Llera Martin & Zana R. Sims: 2022 AAA-AABA Anatomy in Anthropology Prize Winners!
FAE students Catherine J. Llera Martín and Zana R. Sims were awarded the AAA-AABA Anatomy in Anthropology Prize for their independent project entitled "Using weighted spherical harmonics to detect functional locomotor signals at the distal femoral articulation."...
FAE Seminar Series presents: Don Cerio, PhD
Trade-offs and constraints in visual system evolution: multimodal evidence from diapsid reptiles
People & Research
Follow links to personal faculty pages, curricula vitarum, publications and special links.
Get in Touch
Center for Functional Anatomy and Evolution
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
1830 East Monument Street, 3rd Floor
Baltimore, Maryland 21287 USA