Dr. Adam Sylvester has been named as a collaborator by Dr. Libby Cowgill of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Missouri for her NSF-MCA grant, titled “Validating Patterns of Bone Functional Adaptation in Living Humans.” Bone is a living...
Stephanie Palmer for her proposal, “Insights into aquatic transitions through carnivoran comparative endocranial morphology.” Savannah Cobb for her proposal, “Using computer vision to classify ‘honing premolars’ by sex and...
FAE is excited to welcome Bianca Neale and Elizabeth Jewlal as PhD students in the fall of 2023. Both Bianca and Elizabeth bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Center for Functional Anatomy and Evolution, and we are thrilled to have them join our...
Siobhán Cooke was promoted to Associate Professor of Functional Anatomy and Evolution, effective October 1, 2022. A full-time faculty member in the Center, Dr. Cooke earned her PhD in Anthropology from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Her...
The Johns Hopkins University (JHU) School of Medicine invites applications for a full-time tenure-track faculty appointment in the Center for Functional Anatomy and Evolution (FAE) at the rank of Assistant Professor. Candidates should have an integrative,...